The Big Three paraphilias are minor/youth attraction, zoophilia and necrophilia. This page contains a collection of all flags referring to intersections between the three paraphilias, both in the sense of having all three as well as being attracted specifically to intersection of the traits (e.g. dead animal young).
All big three
Intersection of all 3 (dead animal young)
Intersection of all 3 (dead animal young) + sadism
Zoophilia and minor/youth attraction
Both and intersection (YAP)
Both and intersection (YAP)
Both and intersection (YAP)
Nepiozoo (very young animals)
Pedozoo (slightly older young animals)
Hebezoo (younger adolescent animals)
Ephebozoo (older adolescent animals)
Attraction to self as a young animal
Attraction to self as a young animal
Necrophilia and minor/youth attraction
Pedo and necro (sexual attraction)
Zoophilia and necrophilia
Intersection (sexual attraction)
Both and intersection (lesbian)
Both and intersection (gay male)
Both and intersection (gay male)
See also