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Welcome to Paraphilia+ Flags Wiki

Here you will be able to find flags, symbols, and mascots of paraphilias and some other closely related identities.

This wiki was made as a continuation of a suspended DreamWidth journal paraphiliaflagsandmore.

Some flags, symbols, and creative events will have their own proper pages. Others can be found in the file list. Consult the categories on each page or file for more information about it.

When searching for any symbology by keywords, remember to switch the search mode to Multimedia or Everything. The default search mode is Content pages, which mostly returns no results, even if the wiki contains many relevant files. File pages are also currently not complete with all the relevant keywords, so the results will heavily depend on phrasing (e.g. spectrophilia, spectrophile, spectrophiles, spectrophiliac, ghosts, phantoms all might be useful queries when looking for spectrophilia symbology, since it might happen that the file page only contains one of the words). Notice that the search only returns results for the exact word used. You may bypass some of the difficulties by replacing the changeable end of the word with an asterisk (e.g. searching "spectr*" will return pages containing words spectro, spectrophilia, spectrophile, etc.)

Notice that the description box in the file list often contains incorrect information. For correct information, click on the file name and view summary and categories on the file's own page.

Click here to read a list of paraphilias on MAP Wiki.

More information on transIDs and relevant transID flags.

This page contains the most basic flags for some of the most common identities in the paraphiliac community.

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Paraphilia (umbrella term)

Paraphilia is a non-normative attraction.

Code: πφ

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Minor/youth attraction

Minor/youth attraction is an attraction of an adult towards a child or a young teenager, or of a child or a teenager towards a much younger child.

Code: μ

Read more Alternative designs Exclusive to contact stances Queer Category

Childlove symbols

Read more All agelove symbols Childlove flags


Chronophilias are age attractions. Not all of them are under the map umbrella, yet they are thematically connected.

Read more Other age attractions Category


Zoophilia is an attraction towards a nonhuman animal.

Code: ζ, 𐤀, ◤✦◢

Read more Alternative designs By species Queer Category


Necrophilia is an attraction towards the dead.

Code: ν, 𝛎, ϑ

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Aam stands for "adult attracted minor" and refers to a young person with an attraction to adults.

Code: λ[1]

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Acrotomophilia is an attraction to amputees and amputated limbs.

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BDSM stands for "bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism", with D and S sometimes additionally interpreted as referring to dominance and submission. It may refer both to engaging in these activities and being attracted to them.


Sadism and masochism

Sadism is an attraction to the idea of inflicting pain, masochism is an attraction to being in pain, and sadomasochism means having both these attractions.

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Biastophilia is an attraction towards rape, typically understood as an attraction towards raping others.

Code: β

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Consanguinamory is an attraction towards relatives. It is different from incest, which denotes the act. Sometimes incest can be referred to as a consanguineous relationship and consang can be used as a shorthand both for that relationship type and for consanguinamory.

Incest and incestophilia

Incestophilia is an attraction to the idea of incest rather than to one's own relatives.

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Erotophonophilia is an attraction towards murder, typically understood as an attraction towards murdering others.

Code: χ

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Fat fetish

Fat fetish or adipophilia is an attraction to fat people.

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Fictophilia is an attraction to fictional beings.

Code: Σ

Read more Mythological creatures Category


Kodocon is a fictophiliac identity that denotes attraction to fictional children. It is a gender neutral term that has varying gendered subtypes. It may also be referred to as fictomap.

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Furry refers to a subculture around fictional animals that may include attraction to said animals. An attraction to anthropomorphic animals, which falls under the furry spectrum, is called anthrozoophilia.

Foot fetish

Foot fetish or podophilia is an attraction to feet.

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Hematolagnia, hematophilia or blood kink is an attraction to blood.

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Objectophilia is an attraction to inanimate objects.

Code: ω

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Plushophilia is a type of objectophilia, an attraction to plushies.

Code: δ

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Omniphilia refers to having all or many paraphilias. It is meant to be understood as an additional identity to being a map, a zoophile, etc, rather than mutually exclusive.

Code: Φ, θ, Ω


Somnophilia is an attraction to sleeping people.

Code: σ

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Stomach fetish

Stomach fetish or alvinolagnia is an attraction to stomaches.

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Teratophilia is an attraction to monsters.

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  1. Originally - minor map. Interpreting it as an aam symbol comes from antis, but has been adopted by some members of the community.
  2. Outside of paraphiliac communities these identities are sometimes regarded as mutually exclusive with attractions to real living people and placed under the aspec umbrella.