Violence-related paraphilia flags: Difference between revisions

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'''This article is a work in progress.'''
Violence-related paraphilias include attractions towards violent (abusive or hamrful) acts and their perpetrators.
Violence-related paraphilias include attractions towards violent (abusive or hamrful) acts and their perpetrators.

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Sexual sadism by evildiseaselady.png|Sexual
Sexual sadism by evildiseaselady.png|Sexual
Sexual sadism by sweetlabels.png|Sexual
Sexual sadism by sweetlabels.png|Sexual
Sadocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma
Sadist minor attraction by Pappy.png|Minor attraction
Sadist minor attraction by Pappy.png|Minor attraction
Sadist minor attraction wo buckle by Pappy.png|Minor attraction
Sadist minor attraction wo buckle by Pappy.png|Minor attraction
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Sadictic boylove by ellie at cannibal cafe.png|Boylove
Sadictic boylove by ellie at cannibal cafe.png|Boylove
Teleiosadism by Pappy.png|Attraction to adults
Teleiosadism by Pappy.png|Attraction to adults
Sado AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM
Sado AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM sadist
Zoosadist by Lecter.png|Attraction to animals
Zoosadist by Lecter.png|Attraction to animals (zoosadism)
Genderfluid zoosadist by Pappy.png|Genderfluid zoosadist
Genderfluid zoosadist by Pappy.png|Genderfluid zoosadist
Demisexual zoosadist by Pappy.png|Demisexual zoosadist
Demisexual zoosadist by Pappy.png|Demisexual zoosadist
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Praedosadism by Micro.png|Attraction to predators
Praedosadism by Micro.png|Attraction to predators
Antisadism by anonymous.png|Attraction to antis
Antisadism by anonymous.png|Attraction to antis
Sadocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma

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Sexual masochism by sweetlabels.png|Sexual
Sexual masochism by sweetlabels.png|Sexual
Masocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma
Masochist map reclaimed by Lecter.png|Minor attraction
Masochist map reclaimed by Lecter.png|Minor attraction
Masochist map remade by Lecter.png|Minor attraction
Masochist map remade by Lecter.png|Minor attraction
Masochist map by CinnaMit.png|Minor attraction
Masochist map by CinnaMit.png|Minor attraction
Maso MAP by Keven.png|Minor attraction
Maso MAP by Keven.png|Minor attraction
Zoomasochism by Redeemer.png|Attraction to animals
Zoomasochism by Redeemer.png|Attraction to animals (zoomasochism)
Pokemasochism by Spider.png|Attraction to pokemon
Pokemasochism by Spider.png|Attraction to pokemon
Maso AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM
Maso AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM
Masocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma

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Flags for specific subtypes of sadomasochism and intersections with other traits:  
Flags for specific subtypes of sadomasochism and intersections with other traits:  
Primary para sadomasochism.png|Primary paraphilia
Primary para sadomasochism.png|Primary paraphilia<ref>Meaning that one's sadomasochism is the most significant of their paraphilias.</ref>
Sadomasocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma
Sadomaso MAP by Keven.png|Minor attraction
Sadomaso MAP by Keven.png|Minor attraction
Sadomaso AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM
Sadomaso AAM by Dead Dove.png|AAM
Sadomasocircumspectus by CleverFawn.png|Non-practicing due to trauma

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Extrapephillia by unashamedflagcreator.png|Rape, kidnapping, torture, death
Extrapephillia by unashamedflagcreator.png|Rape, kidnapping, torture, death
Anthropophagolagnia by ✘Jay.png|Raping and cannibalizing
Anthropophagolagnia by ✘Jay.png|Raping and cannibalizing
NPD biasto by Hatter.png|Narcissistic
NPD biasto by Hatter.png|Narcissistic biastophile

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Interracial autobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Interracial
Interracial autobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Interracial
Polemoautobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Being raped during war
Polemoautobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Being raped during war
NPD autobiasto by Hatter.png|Narcissistic
NPD autobiasto by Hatter.png|Narcissistic autobiastophile

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Aegobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Rape without own involvement
Aegobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Rape without own involvement
Agonophilia by unknown.png|Pretend rape, CNC
Agonophilia by unknown.png|Pretend rape, CNC
Agonophilia by Snepresuvroc.png|Pretend rape, CNC
Sexasautephilia 2 by Ody.png|Sexually assaulting
Sexasautephilia 2 by Ody.png|Sexually assaulting
Sexasautephilia by Ody.png|Sexually assaulting
Sexasautephilia by Ody.png|Sexually assaulting
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=== Murder ===
=== Murder ===
Attraction to murder is called '''erotophonophilia'''. Flags:
Erotophonophilia by Death.png
Erotophonophilia by Death.png
Erotophonophilia by unknown.png
Assassinophilia by anti-homestuck.png
Assassinophilia by anti-homestuck.png
Attraction to being murdered is called '''autassasinophilia'''. Flags:
Autassassinophilia by Ezekiel.png
Autoassassinophilia by unknown.png
Autoassassinophilia by anti-homestuck.png  
Autoassassinophilia by anti-homestuck.png  
Autoassassinophilia 2 by unknown.png
Autoassassinophilia 2 by unknown.png
Autoassassinophilia by unknown.png
Erotophonophilia by unknown.png
Autassassinophilia by Ezekiel.png
Other murder-related flags:
Souvliphilia by Spider.png
Souvliphilia by Spider.png|Impaling
Extrapephillia by unashamedflagcreator.png|Rape, kidnapping, torture, death

=== Fight, torture and other physical harm ===
=== Fight, torture and other physical harm ===
Nonsexul torture attraction by unashamedflagcreator.png
Páliphilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png|Fighting
Beating kink or krouophilia by Pappy.png|Beating
Nonsexul torture attraction by unashamedflagcreator.png|Nonsexual torture
Extrapephillia by unashamedflagcreator.png|Rape, kidnapping, torture, death
Extrapephillia by unashamedflagcreator.png|Rape, kidnapping, torture, death
Chremastistophilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png
Chremastistophilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png|Being robbed or held up
Páliphilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png
Souvliphilia by Spider.png|Impaling
Beating kink or krouophilia by Pappy.png  
Aorexisphilia by unknown.png|Starving
Souvliphilia by Spider.png

=== Mass and natural events ===
=== Mass and natural events ===
Polemonecrophilia by Pappy.png
Polemophilia by Pappy.png|War
Polemophilia by Pappy.png
Polemophilia symbol.png|War
Polemophilia symbol.png
Polemonecrophilia by Pappy.png|People killed in war
Aischrophilia voyeurism by pepperedghosts on tumblr.png
Polemobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Raping in war
Symphorophilia by Vile.png
Polemoautobiastophilia by Pappy.png|Being raped in war
Symphorophilia by Ezekiel.png
Polemoemapihtophilia by Pappy.png|Gore during war
Symphoronecrophilia by Pappy.png
Symphorophilia by Vile.png|Disasters and accidents
Symphoroemapihtophilia by Pappy.png
Symphorophilia by Ezekiel.png|Disasters and accidents
Aischrophilia voyeurism by pepperedghosts on tumblr.png|Witnessing disasters and accidents
Symphoronecrophilia by Pappy.png|People killed in disasters and accidents
Symphoroemapihtophilia by Pappy.png|Gore in disasters and accidents

=== Indirect and mental ===
=== Indirect and mental ===
==== Grooming kink ====
Grooming kink is called '''cofortiphilia''' or '''aptophilia'''<ref>Unintentionally shares name with an unrelated transformation kink.</ref>. When the grooming kink is aimed at oneself, it is called '''autocofortiphilia''' or '''autoaptophilia'''.
Diokophilia by pkmn nerd on nnia.png
Apto by Vile.png|Grooming
Diokophilia 2 by pkmn nerd on nnia.png
Autoapto by Vile.png|Being groomed
Vigilaphilia by Vile.png
Asthenolagnia by unknown.png

Transgender aptophile (cofortiphile) by Vile.png
There are many subtypes of this kink:
Autozoo grooming kink 1 by Pappy.png
Autozoo grooming kink 2 by Pappy.png
Aptomap by Lecter.png|MAP
Animal grooming kink 1 by Pappy.png
Mapapto by Vile.png|MAP
Animal grooming kink 2 by Pappy.png
Transgender aptophile (cofortiphile) by Vile.png|Transgender
Dog grooming kink.png
Animal grooming kink 1 by Pappy.png|Zoophilic
Religious apto by Pappy.png
Animal grooming kink 2 by Pappy.png|Zoophilic
Aap apto by Pappy.png
Dog grooming kink.png|Dog
Aptomap by Lecter.png
Religious apto by Pappy.png|Religious
Mapapto by Vile.png
Aap apto by Pappy.png|Adult
Autoapto by Vile.png
Aam apto by Vile.png|AAM
Hetapto by Vile.png
Hetapto by Vile.png|Heterosexual
Aam apto by Vile.png
Diamoriapto by Vile.png|Diamoric
Diamoriapto by Vile.png
Sapphiapto by Vile.png|Sapphic
Sapphiapto by Vile.png
Achilleapto by Vile.png|MLM
Achilleapto by Vile.png
Autozoo grooming kink 1 by Pappy.png|Being groomed as an animal
Apto by Vile.png
Autozoo grooming kink 2 by Pappy.png|Being groomed as an animal
Mastigophilia 2 by FirePrancer.png
Mastigophilia by FirePrancer.png
Kataimaphilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png
Kataimaphilia 2 by paraflags on Tumblr.png
Aegoanophelorastia by Dead Dove.png
Autoanophelorastia by Dead Dove.png
Anophelorastia by Dead Dove.png
Dombreaking kink by Dead Dove.png
Timorophilia by Dead Dove.png

==== Other ====
Vigilaphilia by Vile.png|Stalking
Diokophilia by pkmn nerd on nnia.png|Stalking
Diokophilia 2 by pkmn nerd on nnia.png|Stalking
Asthenolagnia by unknown.png|Humiliation
Kataimaphilia by paraflags on Tumblr.png|Being forced to commit a crime
Kataimaphilia 2 by paraflags on Tumblr.png|Being forced to commit a crime
Anophelorastia by Dead Dove.png|Ravaging and defiling
Autoanophelorastia by Dead Dove.png|Being ravaged and defiled
Aegoanophelorastia by Dead Dove.png|Ravaging and defiling disconnected from self
Dombreaking kink by Dead Dove.png|Breaking an abuser
Timorophilia by Dead Dove.png|Punishment or punishing
Abusphilia by straytbian-tmy on tumblr.png|Abuse or abusers

=== Self-inflicted ===
=== Other ===
Abusphilia by straytbian-tmy on tumblr.png
Suinoduphilia by Snepersuvroc.png|Suicide
Abusesexual by Junko.png  
Cicatrinoceresephilia by sunnnyandmewo on tumblr.png|Self-harm scars
Victimsexual by Junko.png
Autocicatrinoceresephilia by sunnnyandmewo on tumblr.png|Self-harm scars (own)
Noceresephilia by sunnnyandmewo on tumblr.png|Self-harm
SHphilia or Ipsucephillia by paraflags on Tumblr.png|Self-harm
Self-harm attraction by unashamedflagcreator.png|Self-harm
Autonoceresephilia by sunnnyandmewo on tumblr.png|Self-harm (own)
Autosecarephilia by problema-coining.png|Cutting oneself
Autosecarephilia plain by problema-coining.png|Cutting oneself

== Perpetrator ==
== Perpetrators and victims ==

Eisvoleaphila by Pappy.png
Abusphilia by straytbian-tmy on tumblr.png|Abuse and abusers
Bejerophilia by Death.png
Abusesexual by Junko.png|Abuse and abusers (sexual attraction)
Violophilia by comet.png
Bejerophilia by Death.png|Own abuser
Dombreaking kink by Dead Dove.png
Dombreaking kink by Dead Dove.png|Breaking an abuser
Violophilia by comet.png|Rapists
Eisvoleaphila by Pappy.png|Invaders, occupants
Victimsexual by Junko.png|Victims and victimhood (sexual attraction)

== Result ==
== Result ==
=== Gore ===
Attraction to gore is called '''emapihtophilia'''. There are multiple flags and symbols for it:

Traumaphilia by Redeemer.png
Emapihtophilia 2 by Spider.png
Emapihtophilia by Spider.png
=== Gore ===
Emapihtophilia by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia by Lecter.png
Emapihtophilia by Anakin.png
Emapihtophilia by Maki at
Emapihtophilia symbol 2 by MarshmallowMakkun.png
Emapihtophilia symbol 2 by MarshmallowMakkun.png
Emapihtophilia symbol by MarshmallowMakkun.png
Emapihtophilia symbol by MarshmallowMakkun.png
Emapihtophilia by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol (heart) by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol (heart) by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol 2 by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol 2 by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia symbol by Snepresuvroc.png
Emapihtophilia by Lecter.png
Emapihtophilia by Anakin.png
Symphoroemapihtophilia by Pappy.png
Polemoemapihtophilia by Pappy.png|Gore in war
Symphoroemapihtophilia by Pappy.png|Gore in disasters and accidents
=== Other ===
Traumaphilia by Redeemer.png|Trauma
Trigphilia by kowalapantheon.png|Triggers (own)
Cicatrixphillia (bruises) by problema-coining.png|Bruises
Cicatrixphillia (bruises) 2 by problema-coining.png|Bruises
Oulophilia (scars) by sslowdeathh.png|Scars
Oulophilia (scars) plain by sslowdeathh.png|Scars
Vulvnaphilia by unknown.png|Woundfucking
Vulnphilia by para-palace.png|Woundfucking
Autovulnphilia by para-palace.png|Woundfucking (own)
== See also ==
* [[Flags of attractions to groups and behaviors]]
* [[Domination and submission related flags]]
[[Category:Article]] [[Category:Attraction]] [[Category:Paraphilia]]
== References ==

Latest revision as of 09:11, 28 July 2024

Violence-related paraphilias include attractions towards violent (abusive or hamrful) acts and their perpetrators.

General violence

Kheiromaphilia is an attraction towards violence and violent people.


Sadism and masochism


Sadism is attraction to causing pain. There are several flags for sadism:

Flags for specific subtypes of sadism and intersections with other traits:


Masochism is attraction to receiving pain. There are several flags for masochism:

Flags for specific subtypes of masochism and intersections with other traits:


Sadomasochism is the combination of sadism and masochism, i.e. attraction to both causing and receiving pain.

Flags for specific subtypes of sadomasochism and intersections with other traits:

Rape and sexual assault

Raping someone

Attraction to raping someone is called biastophilia or raptophilia. There are several biastophilia flags:

Flags for specific subtypes of biastophilia and intersections with other traits:

Being raped

Attraction to raping someone is called autobiastophilia or autoraptophilia. There are several autobiastophilia flags:

Flags for specific subtypes of autobiastophilia and intersections with other traits:

Other rape and sexual assault related


Attraction to murder is called erotophonophilia. Flags:

Attraction to being murdered is called autassasinophilia. Flags:

Other murder-related flags:

Fight, torture and other physical harm

Mass and natural events

Indirect and mental

Grooming kink

Grooming kink is called cofortiphilia or aptophilia[2]. When the grooming kink is aimed at oneself, it is called autocofortiphilia or autoaptophilia.

There are many subtypes of this kink:



Perpetrators and victims



Attraction to gore is called emapihtophilia. There are multiple flags and symbols for it:



See also


  1. Meaning that one's sadomasochism is the most significant of their paraphilias.
  2. Unintentionally shares name with an unrelated transformation kink.